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Raising young children can elicit a range of intense and often conflicting emotions—delight, love, fear, and anger, to name a few.  My goal is to create a warm and non-judgmental space for parents and caregivers to deepen their understanding of these emotions and strategize around how to make concrete change.  Challenges ranging from sleep and feeding difficulties to tantrums and aggression can impact the whole household and often persist without deliberate adjustment.   I find it particularly important to focus on identifying the meaning of the child's behavior before trying to eliminate it.  Factors such as temperament, sensory processing differences, relationships with caregivers and siblings, and trauma can all be connected to these behaviors--illuminating them is critical so that change occurs on a more foundational level. Each child and family system is distinct, and I perform a comprehensive assessment as a basis to inform treatment.  In the end, the hope is not just to get through the day but to inspire a sense of competence and assuredness in yourself as a parent.

Another area of support I can provide to parents and caregivers is related to the memories and feelings about one's own childhood that are evoked when becoming a parent. These often serve as a reminder of patterns you may either like to emulate or avoid. Being a parent allows you the opportunity to heal your childhood wounds by processing leftover feelings from childhood, as well as making intentional decisions about how you want to parent your children.


My zone of expertise is in the area of depression, anxiety, and trauma-related symptoms.

Therapy offers an opportunity to explore parts of ourselves that, for a variety of reasons, may not have space to breathe in the chaos of daily life.  Powerful moments can happen when words start to flow in the presence of a trained listener, and emotions we may ignore or suppress often emerge.  This  absence of judgment makes it easier to peel off layers within ourselves, and deeper awareness and insight become less obstructed.  This process can lay the groundwork for more meaningful change, where the ability to experiment with new ways of being and behaving can more freely develop.  In my experience, the shift to move through and forward occurs when we integrate the lessons of our past as well as identify concrete, present-based skills.  Neither alone tends to be sufficient, and the challenge is balancing understanding with committed action.

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